Monday, January 7, 2019

How to install 3d flooring and 3d floor painting step by step


Step by step to install 3d epoxy flooring and how to make 3d floor painting, what the materials and tools which you need to install 3d flooring and 3d self-leveling floor with your own hands

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

Stunning three-dimensional paintings on the floor, which have gained immense popularity throughout the world, have appeared thanks to the development of 3D self-leveling floor technology.
You can decorate the floors in an apartment in an unusual style with the help of specialists, however, not everyone can afford such expenses, since wages of skilled craftsmen should be added to the prices of materials and tools.
The question of how to make 3D floors with your own hands is of concern to many adherents of self-repairing their homes, and the professionals engaged in teaching those who wish with the help of detailed lessons in which they willingly share their secrets of craftsmanship.

I suggest to see:
3D epoxy flooring designs and 3d floor art murals

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

It is quite difficult to achieve the desired effect: you need to buy construction mixes, finishing materials and tools through the list, select a 3d drawing or make it, process it in a graphic editor and print a photo, carefully study each steps of work, see how the experts do 3D floors with their own hands ).

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of self-leveling 3D floors with your own hands from A to Z with drawings.
3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting, 3d bathroom floor

Tools and materials for self-leveling 3D flooring:

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

At independent installation of a 3d flooring you will need:

  • wide spatul
  • the rule
  • needle roller
  • conventional roller
  • wide brush
  • grinder or grinder with a disk with a diameter of 18 cm
  • sand
  • cement
  • water
  • construction mixer
  • perforator
  • respirator
  • gloves
  • protective glasses
  • paint shoes (shoes with spikes)
  • construction laser level
  • water level
  • primer
  • wallpaper knife
  • drill with nozzle
  • capacity for mixing the composition
  • two-component polymer composition
  • photo or drawing in 3D format on vinyl basis
  • colorless varnish
  • industrial vacuum cleaner
3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

What is a 3d self-leveling floor and how to make it:

Self-leveling floors are seamless floor coverings of polymer compounds - cement-acrylic, polyurethane, methacrylate, epoxy. Fill technology consists of several steps.

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

Step One - Foundation Preparation

How to make a 3d self-leveling floor? First you need to prepare a foundation for it:

  • remove all furniture, remove baseboards, doors with boxes, dismantle the old flooring to the screed, remove dust and debris
  • lay waterproofing material in rooms with high humidity
  • on top of the waterproofing layer make a screed of concrete or cover the surface with a mixture of cement and sand
  • to process the completely dried up basis by the grinder
  • remove burrs and burrs
  • fill the cracks with a mixture of cement and sand
  • check the horizontal surface of the screed with a rule or laser level
  • after drying, to thoroughly clean the room - it is desirable to use a construction vacuum cleaner. 
Special attention should be paid to greasy stains that must be removed with solvent and acetone.

Proceed to further work on the design of 3d self-leveling floor with your own hands is possible only after complete drying of the concrete screed, which can last up to 30 days.

Step Two - Primer:

For high-quality adhesion of a polymeric self-leveling coating with a base, it is necessary to coat the surface of the screed with a primer in two layers:

  • Pour the primer and evenly spread over the entire surface with a spatula, roller or brush, leaving no gaps in the floor joints with the walls
  • Apply the second coat of primer when the first one is dry and level out thoroughly
  • leave at least 24 hours to dry the last coat of primer

Step three - fill the base layer:

At this step of the installation of the 3d self-leveling floor, the following steps should be performed:

Prepare a polymer composition for the base layer by mixing components with a solvent in a 2: 1 ratio in a container.
It is necessary to use a construction mixer, since it is almost impossible to mix the composition to a smooth consistency manually due to the many small lumps and the rapid solidification of the polymer.

Important! You can not immediately mix the composition in one large portion, because it hardens and becomes unsuitable for use. It is better to cook in small batches alternately.

Pour the ready mix for the self-leveling floor on the base, quickly and very gently spread with a needle roller in a thin even layer over the surface. Make sure there are no bubbles.

Council In a large room should be filled with a self-leveling floor strip, starting from the angle opposite the entrance.
Borders smooth wide spatula. Ensure that there is no overlap when casting.
We must try to spend no more than 10 minutes to process each strip.

Step Four - Montage 3D Images:

When the base layer of the self-leveling floor hardens, you can proceed to laying the decorative layer:

dilute the polymer composition with a solvent and a thin layer to apply on a dry surface

prepared in advance drawing or photo on a vinyl base should be placed on the treated surface, align the edges, which should protrude beyond the perimeter of the base and lie on the walls

press the image element to the leveling floor with a dry roller and, starting from the center of the room, roll out over the surface so that there are no air bubbles between the base and decorative layers, which subsequently lead to cracking of the decorative layer

when the decorative layer is glued to the base, carefully cut off the excess with a sharp wallpaper knife

gently clean the treated surface from dust and grout residues.

Step Five - finishing processing of a 3d floor:

The last step of the 3D floor decoration is the application of the finishing layer, which will help to emphasize the effect of the volumetric image and permanently preserve the coating from scratches, dents, and deformation. To fully comply with the technology will require:

using a construction mixer, mix the transparent epoxy composition with the solvent in the same proportion as when combining the components of the base layer of the self-leveling floor

pour the composition and gently spread it over the surface with a roller so that the layer thickness does not exceed 0.3 mm

The polymerization process takes about 30 minutes, after which it is necessary to cover the self-leveling floor with a colorless varnish twice.

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting installation

It is not necessary immediately after the completion of finishing to actively use the room, drag furniture there and put it on the newly made self-leveling floor.
It is necessary to wait until all the layers have dried evenly, polymerization processes are over, which depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, season, weather.
If you managed to make 3d floors in an apartment with your own hands in all rooms, you will have to ask to stay for a week or two with relatives, friends, or go to the cottage. It is better to do the self-leveling floor in steps - first in one room, then in the other, and so on.

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

Important! At each step of working with a liquid coating, one should not neglect the respirator, gloves and protective glasses, since dispersed dust and pairs of epoxy compounds settle on the skin of the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, get into the eyes and throat, causing irritation of the skin, feeling of sand in the eyes, a cold, cough

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

The technology of manufacturing 3d self-leveling floor with your own hands involves the use of shoes with spikes from the moment of pouring the epoxy composition to the end of work.

3d flooring in different design:

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

How to make self-leveling floors original and unique? 3D flooring technology presents many possibilities for realizing your own ideas. It is extremely popular to use as a decorative layer instead of photos and volumetric images of natural objects and materials:

  • decorative pebbles
  • multi-colored sand
  • decor made of wood and stone
  • coins and bills

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

Don't miss to see:
3D bathroom floor and self-leveling floor mural

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting, 3d bathroom floor

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting
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Modern 3d glass backsplash panels for modern kitchens

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

3d flooring, 3d epoxy floor painting

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